Use the Internet to research mergers and acquisitions of global entities involving goodwill, accounting homework help

Use the Internet to research recent (within the last three years) mergers and acquisitions of global entities involving goodwill. Review the financial statements of an entity after the acquisition involving goodwill impairment

  • From the e-Activity, contrast the impairment of goodwill on the financial statements of the entity reporting under international financial reporting standards (IFRS) that you researched with the impairment of goodwill on the financial statements of the same entity reporting under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Indicate how stakeholders in the company are likely to react to the impairment. Provide support for your rationale.
  • Examine the relationship between acquisition costs of the entity that you researched and the goodwill impairment charges related to the acquired entity. Indicate the most likely impact to the business.

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