what do higher ranked and lower ranked countries have in common are these rankings justified and methodologically soundand what general conclusions do you draw from these rankings

what do higher ranked and lower-ranked countries have in common are these rankings justified and methodologically sound and what general conclusions do you draw from these rankings
The article discusses healthcare efficiency across countries and provides a ranking of countries. Students should read the article and analyze the rankings for various countries. Based on your reading of this article and your knowledge of these countries, please address the following issues: what do higher ranked and lower-ranked countries have in common are these rankings justified and methodologically sound and what general conclusions do you draw from these rankings. Please note you do not need to address these issues in this order. (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-19/u-s-near-bottom-of-health-index-hong-kong-andsingapore-at-top)


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