Write a 500-word interdisciplinary reflection essay on the germ theory of disease.Write a 500-word interdisciplinary reflection essay on the germ theory of disease. For centuries humankind did not know how diseases were spread.

Write a 500-word interdisciplinary reflection essay on the germ theory of disease.Write a 500-word interdisciplinary reflection essay on the germ theory of disease. For centurieshumankind did not know how diseases were spread.
LSTD 3003 – Interdisciplinary InquiryUnit 5.2 Natural Sciences (NS) Reflection EssayWRITING ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: Natural Sciences discipline: BIOLOGYWrite a 500-word interdisciplinary reflection essay on the germ theory of disease. For centurieshumankind did not know how diseases were spread. In the mid-1800’s, it was discovered thatgerms caused disease. The germ theory of disease is interesting to reflect on because it was ashift in the natural sciences that had far-reaching impacts on many other disciplines as well. Thisreflection essay is NOT a research paper. You do not need to go online or to the library to findinformation about this topic. You will not need to cite references at the end of your paper ormake in-text citations. A reflection essay deals with information from your personal experience,observations of the world around you, your workplace, and your community. We want to hearyour voice and your words on this topic. For the essay to be interdisciplinary, it must includemore than one discipline. Those disciplines are specified in the instructions below.THE FIVE-PARAGRAPH ESSAY (INSTRUCTIONS)When writing this essay, please use the five-paragraph approach. In this case, each paragraphshould be approximately 100 words long. This is by no means the only formula for writing suchessays, but for this assignment, it serves our purposes well. This method consists of:1. Add a title page as is specified on page 258 of your textbook for a CSE formatted paper:Title, Student Name, Course Information, Instructor Name, and Date. Do NOT include an“abstract” as is shown on page 259. An abstract it not necessary for the purposes of thisessay.2. PARAGRAPH 1 (100 words) – An introductory paragraphClearly and concisely states the paper’s purpose, which is engaging, and thoughtprovoking.a. Set the context –provide general information about the main idea, explaining thesituation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the claims you make andsupportb. State why the main idea is important –tell the reader why he or she should careand keep reading. Your goal is to create a compelling, clear, and convincing essaypeople will want to read and act uponc. State your thesis/claim –compose a sentence or two stating the position you willsupport3. Three evidentiary body paragraphs (paragraphs 2-4)a. PARAGRAPH 2 (100 words) – Reflect on the natural science discipline ofbiology and how the germ theory of disease affected the health sciences and howwe approach and research medicine.b. PARAGRAPH 3 (100 words) – Reflect on the social sciences discipline ofpsychology and how we think differently about our lives knowing that manydiseases that used to kill people can be cured.2c. PARAGRAPH 4 (100 words) – Reflect on how the germ theory of diseaseaffected natural sciences discipline of botany. (i.e. Many plant extracts are used inmodern medicine.)4. PARAGRAPH 5 (100 words) – A conclusion paragraphIn your conclusion, reflect on what you see as the positives and negatives for both theindividual and society since the discovery of the germ theory of disease. Reflect on whatyou have learned that you did not know before and perhaps what you can use in yourpersonal and professional life based on your reflections.5. No citations page is needed. Citations pages are required when you are acquiringinformation from outside resources. In a reflection essay, the information is coming fromwithin. It is information from your personal experience, observations of the world aroundyou, your workplace, and your community.FORMATTING: Double spaced, Times New Roman font, 12 point text, one-inch page margins. Collegelevelwriting is expected. The paper will be graded, in part, for content, grammar, spelling, punctuation,and sentence structure.Below is a listing of disciplines mentioned in the text book Research and Documentation in theDigital Age. This list is provided as a reminder of the wide variety of knowledge areas needed sounderstand and solve problems. This is by no means a complete listing of all disciplines.HUMANITIES DISCIPLINESArt, architecture, classics, literature, music, philosophy, religion, theater, dance, film, world languagesand linguistics.SOCIAL SCIENCES DISCIPLINESAnthropology, business, economics, communication studies, criminal justice, education, ethnic and areastudies, gender and women’s studies, geography, health sciences and nursing, law, political science,psychology, and sociology.NATURAL SCIENCES DISCIPLINESBiology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental sciences, geology, mathematics,physics, and astronomy.

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