You inherit a new patient F. who has a history of “recent stroke.” He was recently (approximately 3 months ago) hospitalized, but you don’t have his…

You inherit a new patient F. L. who has a history of “recent stroke.” He was recently (approximately 3 months ago) hospitalized, but you don’t have his records at the moment. The patient’s wife wanted him “checked out,” and states that his “cat scan” showed a stroke. She claims, “They did a bunch of other tests but didn’t find anything.” She does not think he has hypertension but adds, “He does not like to go to doctors.” The past medical history is unknown. He does report taking aspirin 81mg daily and does not have any known drug allergies. Patient F. L. smoked one pack a day but quit five years ago, however he does drink socially. As for his family history, his mother died at the age of 79 from a stroke and his father died at the age of 64 from a myocardial infarction; he is the only child. He is 57 years old, married to his wife for 29 years and has three children. He works Monday through Friday as an accountant

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