Why is the organizational capacity the most significant component of the infrastructure of public health system in United States?

1. Search the Internet for different Personal Health Record (PHR) tools as well
as patient portals. Compare and contrast different sites and tools. Write a paper regarding your
thoughts on whether consumers will engage using these tools along with your findings and
2. Search the Internet for physician grading and government sites and compare/contrast them:
healthgrades.com, medicare.gov/hospital compare, etc.
Health Eating and Health Care BenefitsHow do a nurse’s fundamental duties, as described by the Hippocratic Oath and Nightingale Pledge, influence a nurse’s practice and decision making?Employers are tinkering with the design of their health benefit offerings as a means towards reducing their overall health care costs. An emerging prototype is: “consumer driven health care,” which is essentially a high deductible plan with a mediProject topic Healthcare Waste Management in Nigeria and its Implications for Human Health Risk PROJECT CONTENTS Abstract: An original, self-contained, short, and powerful statement that describes your project case and should include the following sectionSelect a public health issue to research in order to complete a 12- to 15-page analysis for your Final Project. This week, you provide additional detail about the issue. According to the textbook, the five essential components of a policy analysis are: AA health impact assessment (HIA), described in Chapter 4 of your textbook, is a process for describing and estimating the effects a proposed project or policy may have on the health of a population. For this assignment, imagine you asked to conduct an HIAA recurring conflict with the potential to negatively impact patient care

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SoCW-6060 & 6443-WK5-Responses | Nursing School Essays

Respond to at least two colleagues by in one of the following ways:
·       Offer and support an opinion about the likely outcome based on the theories your colleague described.
·       Make a suggestion for another way in which each theory your colleague described might inform social work practice when working with Tiffani.
·       Expand on your colleague’s posting with more evidence in support of your colleague’s position.
Colleague 1: Shaquahia
Selected Article
                                           The article that I’ve selected in relation to the topic of women in society it titled, “The Role of Women in Society: from Preindustrial to Modern Times.” The article discussed the role of the women in agriculture and distinguished based upon ethnicity. During the preindustrial period, majority of the agriculture work was done by women, although dominated by men. The article centered the women’s role based upon different cultures and marital status. Once the plough was invented, women’s input dwindled or ceased. In modern times, countries with a tradition of plough use, women are less likely to participate in the labor market, are less likely to own firms, and are less likely to participate in national politics.
Feminist Theory 
                                           The feminist theory I selected is liberal feminism. According to Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012) liberal feminism refers to women being basically the same as men and therefore should have equal rights to men. The focus of the theory is for women’s rights to control their own bodies through sexual education and contraception, in relation to abortion rights. This theory relates to social work practice due to the profession being majority women. Due to being a woman dominated field, it shows that women can be in a leadership position as a man could. This feminist theory hasn’t really influenced my understanding of women’s role in society, but rather confirmed my thought process. Often times we hear how men make more money than men, although they can do the same job and this theory opposes that. 
The Bradley Case
                                           The Bradley case better references radical feminism rather than my choice of liberal. Radical feminism focuses on issues of violence against women, including sexual harassment, rape, battering, and prostitution.  My views of women’s roles inform my next steps with Tiffani due to teaching/assisting her with the liberal theory. The case ended with Tiffani overcoming her urge to see Donald, attaining her GED and planning to attend college. Due to such improvement, I would continue to uplift Tiffani and encourage her to be the best she could be. Continue with college and obtain a degree in the study that interests her. Even finding part-time employment while attending college to keep her occupied. 
Giuliano, P. (2015). The Role of Women in Society: from Preindustrial to Modern Times. Cesifo Economic Studies, 61(1), 33-52.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. Part 2, “The Bradley Family”
Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012). Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon. Chapter 5, “Feminist Theory” (pp. 107–133)
Collegue 2: Jennifer
The roles for women have evolved over time. The roles have changed from being bare foot and pregnant with no equal rights to complete opposite for women in today’s society. In today’s society women have developed rights and have become empowered. Feminism provides insight about certain aspects such as social, political and economic structures for societies; and stresses that gender should be taken into consideration when analyzing the impacts of oppression, domination, power and powerlessness among society (Turner, & Maschi, 2015). Women were not taken into consideration and had equal rights that women have today. Although, women have gained rights and are more established, there is a stigma among society were women struggle with oppression, domination, power and powerlessness. Research has indicated despite social constraints and changes for women across the nation, historically, culture, specific religion and social controls over the female body have been persistent in Turkey that is a lifelong process (Gursoy, William, Sahinoglu, & Yesemin, 2014).  
Social workers are to take many aspects into consideration such as culture race gender etc. Research has indication that the feminist theory is a mode of analysis that encompasses certain ways of thinking, and acting that is designed to transcend women’s liberation by ending oppression of women throughout society (Robbins, Chatterjee, & Canda, 2012). Social worker practice is intertwines with understand women’s roles in society while striving to end oppression. Feminist social work practices are related with empowering others and are sensitive towards the focus on domination and subordination (Turner, & Maschi, 2015). In addition the Ecofeminism theory seeks to end the subordination. The Ecofeminism theory is linked with the domination of women within the environment where women are viewed are closer to nature since women and nature were viewed as being under the control of men (Robbins, Chatterjee, & Canda, 2012). This theory relates to the social work practice to empowering women to gain self-confidence, self-esteem and becoming content with themselves.  The power of control from men in general can manifest into other issues that women are capable to develop. Gender discriminations that have been continuous has led to restriction towards Turkish women’s lives, decompensation of their health, and punishment is implemented of acting contrary to social expectations (Gursoy, William, Sahinoglu, & Yesemin, 2014). Social workers are able to address these issues and empower others. Empowerment is essential to the feminist theory such as seeking to enhance personal and interpersonal and political power of the oppressed for individuals (Turner, & Maschi, 2015).
As a result, research has influenced my understanding of women’s roles among society is despite that women have developed rights, women have continued to struggle with discrimination among certain cultures, religions and race throughout history. This has influenced me as a social worker to continue to strive to end discrimination and meet the client where they are at. Social workers are focused to socially change issues of poverty, unemployment and other forms of social issues among society (National Association of Social Workers, 2008).  
Gursoy, E., William, M. F., Sahinoglu, S., Yesemin, G. Y. (2014). Views of Women’s Sexuality and Violence Against Women in Turkey. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 27(2), 189-198. doi:10.1177/1043659614550485 
National Association of Social Workers.(2008). Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers
Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012). Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.
Turner, S. G., & Maschi, T. M. (2015). Feminist and empowerment theory and social work practice. Journal Of Social Work Practice, 29(2), 151–162.
·       Respondto two of your colleagues’ posts by supporting or challenging one of the potential treatments.
·      Explain your viewpoint and provide current scholarly evidence to support your position.
Colleague 1: Kerzell
I selected the case study involving June. June is a 39-year-old female who has been diagnosed with agoraphobia. She lives alone, and she works from home. One of the biggest challenges of treating this disorder would be getting June into the office to be treated. One of the main characteristics of agoraphobia is the feeling of intense fear of anxiety in response to public transportation, open spaces, enclosed places, being in a line or a crowd, and/or being alone when not at home (APA, 2013). Another challenge would be working with June to expose her to her fears as a way to help her adopt methods to cope with her fear and anxiety. Lastly, it could be a challenge to help her become more social since everything that happens in her life seems to place her in a position to be alone. She must begin to work on her self-esteem and her social skills. 
An anxiolytic medication that would be beneficial to June is buspirone (BuSpar). This medication antagonizes the 5-HT1A receptors, and it provides relief of anxiety without the client experiencing sedation or euphoria. This is a first line medication for persistent anxiety, and does not subject the client to dependence or withdrawal (Lichtblau, 2011). Benzodiazepines may also be used to treat June as well. Two common types are alprazolam (Xanax) and lorazepam (Ativan). These medications affect GABA receptors, and they cause muscle relaxation. One of biggest downsides to this medication is that it can cause amnesia (Lichtblau). 
As a mental health professional, this information is very important. June has a number of things going on that can contribute to her agoraphobia. I would stick with the buspirone in conjunction with counseling, and work towards removing her from the medication completely or sparingly. When prescribing medication, it is important to look the lifestyle of the client, and to carefully examine the effects of the medication on the client. Mental health professional should share any and all concerns with the community about any drug therapy. This is not a cookie cutter profession, and sometimes what works for one client may not work for another. 
American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
 (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Anxiety disorder case study: June: Panic disorder with 
agoraphobia[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Lichtblau, L. (2011). Psychopharmacology demystified. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage 
Colleague 2: Dawn
 Treating Anxiety Disorder
There are many challenges of treating the anxiety disorder as in the case of June. She is 39 years old and has no reasoning behind her panic attacks she feels as they came from nowhere (Laureate Education, 2012). She began these attacks as she was out in public she experienced chest tightness and chest pain as she was having a heart attack and fear of losing control in public (Laureate Education, 2012). June also becomes frighten and terrified when these panic attacks begin. The challenges are to understand why the attacks occur because they can begin at any time also everyone goes through a different experience when it come to their anxiety. It also can be challenging to treat because it mimics symptoms of other illness such as fatigue, headache, dizziness, and nausea (Manag, 2005).
Treating June with anxiolytic medications can be effective in treating her anxiety. The anxiolytic medications help send key chemical signals to the brain (Preston, O’Neal, Talaga, 2017).Three potential anxiolytic medications are Alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin) and diazepam (Valium) (About Anxiolytics, 2017).
It could become a potential problem for June because of the addiction risk of these kinds of medications. June started taking medication 5 years ago and continuing to take these kinds of medication the longer she takes them she could build a drug tolerance (About Anxiolytics, 2017).
Mental health professional’s approach to potential addiction risk is to take an evidence-based approach to screening a person to make sure they are not addicted to their medication (NIDA, 2016). They also can set up the recovery goals to make sure they are not using the medication more than necessary (Nida, 2016). When a patient first comes to seek treatment and engages in counseling and other behavioral therapies they should first try a less addictive medication before prescribing these other types of medication.
As a mental health professional, an important role is to communicate concerns to other health care professionals by monitoring prescription drugs between the prescription programs (Nida. 2016). These programs help monitor through an electronic database and help monitor drug misuse (Nida. 2016).
About Anxiolytics. (2017). Retrieved from  http://www.healthline.com/health/anxiolytics#takeaway6
NIDA. (2016). Misuse of Prescription Drugs. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/misuse-prescription-drugs on 2017, June 27
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Anxiety disorder case study: June: Panic disorder with agoraphobia[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Preston, J. D., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. Chapter 9, “Anxiety Disorders” (pp. 107-122) Chapter 18, “Antianxiety Medication” (pp. 217-226)
Manag. A.J.(2005). Anxiety Disorders in the 21st Century: Status, Challenges, Opportunities, and Comorbidity With Depression

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Do you believe that health care is a right or a privilege What is the legal basis for your view

The USA Healthcare Organization and Delivery System.
The focus can be on: (1) the health services systems identified (i.e. Hospitals, Ambulatory Care, Mental Health Services, Long Term Care) by exploring and researching the selected agencies’ strengths and challenges faced in providing services to their target population; (2)the types of health professions associated with the health care workforce with a special emphasis on the professional discipline to which you aspire including education, challenges, and controversies faced by that discipline; (3) the structural issues associated with health care delivery such as technology or financing with an emphasis on innovation, funding, challenges and controversies including making recommendations for improving the system, especially from the perspective of the agency and the clients in need of services You are to include in your examination and analysis of USA Health Care Organization and Delivery the impact of the Affordable Care Act of 2010.
1) Develop a problem statement about the health service system issue you select.
2) Devise a strategy to maximize learning and afford a multi-faceted view of the healthsystem studied. For example, you can conduct an interview with appropriate individuals who can help answer the question; explore media resources to answer the question; or use other innovative research methods to answer the question. All questions and approaches to answering the questions must be discussed with the professor when submitted.
Your Paper should include:-The problem statement (Minimum of one sentence)
– Explain a minimum of TWO methods for examining the problem (i.e. interview, exploration of media resources). (Min. of two paragraphs (4-6 sentences).
– Discussion on background of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences).
-Discussion on controversies of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences).
-Discussion of solutions of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences).
-Discussion of recommendations to improve the problem (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences).
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What is the anatomical name for the shin bone?

The primary bone which forms the shin is the Tibia.
The lower leg is composed of two bones the Tibia and the Fibula.
The primary bone which forms the shin is the Tibia.
www.childrenshospital.org/The post What is the anatomical name for the shin bone? first appeared on Nursing School Essays.

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Explain why African American women have a higher mortality rate from breast cancer

Health Disparity
Read the article, Of disparities and diversity: Where are we? by Gloria Sarto, M.D., PhD.
In a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, provide your answers for the questions given below:
Provide a brief summary of the article.Explain how this article has contributed to your understanding of health disparities experienced by women.Discuss why it is important to identify disparities between and within different racial and ethnic groups of women.Explain why African American women have a higher mortality rate from breast cancer although their Caucasian female counterparts have a higher incidence rate. Cite at least two additional articles to support your explanation.Identify the strategies that are in place to decrease the health disparities of all women.Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.In the case “Alacare Home Health Service, Inc., Petitioner VS. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Respondent”, evaluate the importance of the principal issue litigated in the case. What is the principal issue in the case “Alacare Home Health SerYou are employed by a local health department as manager of environmental health and safety, and one of your big cities is facing increased outbreaks of foodborne illnesses: 1) Based on the example by Healey and Lesneski (2011), examine the primary and seShould patient behavior be taken into account in determining whether a patient is eligible for health insurance?My Public Health Issue will be Childhood obesity in black communities Address the following:Examine and research 1 chronic disease e.g., heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and write a paper that discusses the followingAny health care organization, employees seek good job satisfaction, and employers seek good performance. This can partly be achieved through a good compensation system. For this assignment, address the following: Describe in detail 3–4 goals that a compen

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this assignment is for sky essays

Schedules of Reinforcement Worksheet
Answer the following questions by identifying the correct schedule of reinforcement.
1.Mrs. Blass is tired of her students not being prepared for class each day. She knows that they are hard-working seniors who value getting an A in the class, and she wants to set up a schedule of work so they study hard and consistently. She schedules pop quizzes. Only she knows when those quizzes will be given. Assuming the students find the grade of A or B to be reinforcing, what schedule of reinforcement is at work here?
2.Sally is trying to break up with her boyfriend. She refuses to text him back 90% of the time when he texts her. Sometimes, this means she will not text back after 10 or 20 texts. Finally, she gets frustrated (and lonely) and will text back but only to say ‘hi’ or ‘good luck at your football game’ or other seemingly meaningless comments. This process continues for months, where he texts her a few times every day, and eventually she will break down and answer. The reason the boyfriend is still texting so long after the breakup is due to which schedule of reinforcement?
3.A mom and dad are teaching 2-year-old Johnny how to use the toilet. Every time he urinates even a little amount in the toilet they jump up and down and he gets a bite of his favorite cookie. This is an example of which schedule of reinforcement that is often used when first teaching a skill?
4.Manuel is thinking about opening a new coffee shop in town. He is wanting to compete with the big companies in town, but he is not sure how to draw in the crowds. To start, he offers reward points. When customers come in, they get a star for every $5 they spend. Once they have spent $50, they receive a free medium drip coffee. Manuel is hoping to lure in repeat business through which schedule of reinforcement?
5.Dr Lee notices his patients are not coming in for their routine visits on time. They often push them back, which causes backups at some time in the year (before school starts) and low numbers at other times of year (summer). He is wanting more consistent clientele and work and offers a 10% discount on his current rates if patients stick to their defined 3 appointments a year (every 3.3 months). Those patients who are motivated by this discount are adhering to which schedule of reinforcement?The post this assignment is for sky essays first appeared on Nursing School Essays.

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discuss three important factors about this subject that will affect the way you look at things going forward.

here are the articles.. the theories referred to in the question is nursing Theory. If u can find the use of any theories in the articles thats ok. just complete the other parts . Just give a brief summary of the articles. about 5 sentences each. My research will be to Provide education and counseling to known gay or bisexual men about HIV.
Outcome is to want to decrease the incidence of HIV in gays or bisexual men that have sex with other men.
This is an example of what is required.. from another student.. that might help.
The two referenced articles provided insight to how theory and framework contribute to research. In review of the articles being used for my research project I do not find a nursing theory or framework identified. Some of the journal articles on qualitative studies use narrative inquiry as a methodology to gather information. Narrative inquiry as a methodology applied in nursing research is powerful in revealing details and personalizing the participants’ experiences (Wang & Geale, 2015). Narrative inquiry uses story telling to communicate an individual’s reality and experiences to large audiences. This type of understanding is valuable to the research but is not yielded through quantitative studies (Wang & Geale, 2015).
One article being used for my project identifies itself as a grounded theory study. Grounded theory is a research method that allows for the development of a theory which explains the concern for a category of study and how this is processed or solved (Grounded Theory Online, 2016). Grounded theory is a general research method used to guide data collection and the detailed procedures for data analysis, and it can be used for quantitative or qualitative data (Grounded Theory Online, 2016). The article by Rodgers (2014) used for my research project focuses on the experiences of individuals living with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the challenge to be accurately and timely diagnosed, and the issues patients live with to comply with therapy. The uncovered information provides insight to health care providers of what it is like to live with OSA, understand how to approach treatment more realistically, and be a more effective manager of the condition (Rodgers, 2014).
The conceptual map includes the following concepts:
Chronic sleep loss Education
Symptoms Sleep habits
Physical damage Improved sleep and health
Psychological distress
Quality of life
The relational statements could read if chronic sleep loss, then adverse symptoms, physical damage to the body, psychological distress and poor quality of life. If education intervention, then changes in sleep habits, and improved sleep and improved health (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2013).
For the theory, you can discuss Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model

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Belonging | Nursing School Essays

Write a 3–4-page assessment in which you use research articles to examine how social connections and support can promote physical and mental health.
Social psychology can help us understand our relationships with others.
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.
Library Resources
The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course. Note: Some of the articles listed are fairly old and are included here because they are considered seminal works in the field.

Cockshaw, W. D., Shochet, I. M., & Obst, P. L. (2013). General belongingness, workplace belongingness, and depressive symptoms. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 23(3), 240–251.
Cyranowski, J. M., Zill, N., Bode, R., Butt, Z., Kelly, M. A. R., Pilkonis, P. A., & . . . Cella, D. (2013). Assessing social support, companionship, and distress: National Institute of Health (NIH) Toolbox Adult Social Relationship Scales. Health Psychology, 32(3), 293–301.
Hogg, M. A., & Hains, S. C. (1996). Intergroup relations and group solidarity: Effects of group identification and social beliefs on depersonalized attraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(2), 295–309.
Kaniasty, K. (2012). Predicting social psychological well-being following trauma: The role of postdisaster social support. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 4(1), 22–33.
Major, B., Mendes, W. B., & Dovidio, J. F. (2013). Intergroup relations and health disparities: A social psychological perspective. Health Psychology, 32(5), 514–524.
Mejias, N. J., Gill, C. J., & Shpigelman, C. (2014). Influence of a support group for young women with disabilities on sense of belonging. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61(2), 208–220.
Uchino, B. N., Cawthon, R. M., Smith, T. W., Light, K. C., McKenzie, J., Carlisle, M., & . . . Bowen, K. (2012). Social relationships and health: Is feeling positive, negative, or both (ambivalent) about your social ties related to telomeres? Health Psychology, 31(6), 789–796.
Wallace, T. L., Ye, F., & Chhuon, V. (2012). Subdimensions of adolescent belonging in high school. Applied Developmental Science, 16(3), 122–139.

Assessment Instructions
To prepare for this assessment, search in the Capella library for research articles on how social connections and support can promote physical and mental health. Choose two research articles to use in this assessment.
Using the two articles you found, include the following in your assessment. Provide the APA citation for each article.

Describe the data collection methods used in the studies you selected.
Describe the designs used in the studies.
Explain the arguments the authors make to support their positions.
Explain the findings of the research.
How might you apply these findings to better understand your own relationships with others?

Your submitted assessment should be 3–4 pages in length excluding title page and reference page. Be sure to follow APA guidelines for format and style. You do not need to use resources other than the two articles you selected, but you may if you wish.
Additional Requirements

Include a title page and reference page.
At least two current scholarly or professional resources.
APA format.
Times New Roman font, 12 point.
Double spaced.

Belonging Scoring Guide
CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Describe the data collection methods used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Does not identify the data collection methods used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Identifies the data collection methods used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Describes the data collection methods used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Describes the data collection methods used in research studies in the field of social psychology; considers the benefits and limitations of the methods. Describe the designs used in research studies in the field of social psychology.Does not identify the designs used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Identifies the designs used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Describes the designs used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Analyzes the designs used in research studies in the field of social psychology. Explain arguments made by researchers in the field of social psychology.Does not summarize arguments made by researchers in the field of social psychology. Summarizes arguments made by researchers in the field of social psychology. Explains arguments made by researchers in the field of social psychology. Explains arguments made by researchers in the field of social psychology; examines the validity and credibility of the arguments and the researchers. Explain research findings in the field of social psychology.Does not summarize research findings in the field of social psychology. Summarizes research findings in the field of social psychology. Explains research findings in the field of social psychology. Analyzes research findings in the field of social psychology and relates the findings to theory. Explain how research findings in the field of social psychology can help individuals understand relationships with others.Does not explain how research findings in the field of social psychology can help individuals understand relationships with others. Explains how research findings in the field of social psychology can help individuals understand relationships with others, but explanation is vague or omits key elements. Explains how research findings in the field of social psychology can help individuals understand relationships with others. Analyzes how research findings in the field of social psychology can help individuals understand relationships with others. Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.Writing does not support a central idea. Does not use correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. Writing supports an idea but is inconsistent and contains major errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing coherently supports a central idea with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing is coherent, using evidence to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. Use APA format and style.Does not use APA format and style. Uses APA format and style but inconsistently and with errors. Uses APA format and style consistently and with few errors. Uses correct APA format and style consistently and with no errors. 

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What benefits and disadvantages might there be to using them with other healthcare professionals?

Writing is focused on the main topicMeets all criteria given for the paperRespond to the following: Are therapeutic communication techniques relevant to peer-to-peer (healthcare provider to healthcare provider) communication? Why or why not? (10 points)What benefits and disadvantages might there be to using them with other healthcare professionals? (10 points)What are the dangers of poor communication betweenWhat role do poor communication play in unit cohesiveness, staff morale, and workplace violence (bullying, horizontal violence, “eating their young”)? (10 points)Describe an experience you had with a colleague that could have benefitted from improved communication techniques. (10 points)The conclusion is clear, ties paper together and leaves the reader with something to think aboutSentences are well-structured with appropriate use of paragraphs and contain no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errorsThe paper is well organized utilizing clear transitions and logical sequencingAPA format correctly usedDEADLINE-3 HRS
Instruction FilesAssignment 2: Course Project—Part 1 for NSG4028 Concepts of Teaching & Learning for Nurses Your assignment for this week entails working on an introduction for your project. The introduction should: Contain the title of the lesson. Identify and describe tExamine the federal and Arizona state’s regulations on abuse and neglect. Discuss the purpose of the abuse regulation. Identify the concept of mandatory reporting within the regulation and discuss methods that healthcare organizations must observe for comExamine and research 1 chronic disease (e.g., heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity) and write a paper that discusses the following: A comparison of 2 health care policies that are in place (either at the state or federal level) thatStandardized nursing terminologies (SNTs) play a significant role in nursing. SNTs used worldwide for nursing communication, enhancing nursing care plan, nursing interventions, and patient outcome.The profession of Physical therapy Question: (Name and describe the current structure within the APTA to provide representation for PTA members.) ONLY USE THE SOURCE I HAVE : introduction to physical therapy fourth edition ,Michael A. PagliaruloSelect a healthcare condition that has recently been noted to be associated with increasing hospitalization rates within a healthcare organization (hospital) of your choice. Determine the impact of these hospitalization rates on the community served by thGive a brief summary of the major clinical issues that the client is presenting with and their relevant background and cultural information. What is ONE example of a barrier to treatment that your client faced previously or would have faced if traditionalAnd if it’s ok for you could u also upload the news article you picked, I Students will: Identify a health topic that has been in the news or is currently an issue. In a one page paper that will be turned in, each student will present the following inHealthcare servicesClinical Reasoning and the Physical Assessment (graded) Using course materials, textbooks, and the SOAP Note Format document provided in the Course Resource area of the course, choose a friend, colleague, or family member and perform a complete history on

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Article Critique 6-3

Please see the two attachments.  One attachment is the article which is to be critiqued.  The second attachment is the REQUIREMENTS for the assignment.The post Article Critique 6-3 first appeared on Nursing School Essays.

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