You are driving to the grocery store at 22 {rm m}/{rm s}. You are 110 {rm m} from an intersection when the traffic light turns red. Assume that…

You are driving to the grocery store at 22 {rm m}/{rm s}. You are 110 {rm m} from an intersection when the traffic light turns red. Assume that your reaction time is 0.78 {rm s} and that your car brakes with constant acceleration.How far are you from the intersection when you begin to apply the brakes?

What are some methods you would use to ensure that would move from a more reactive response to a more proactive approach?

Part 1
250 words with one reference and intext citation in APA format.
Taking risks is often seen as necessary in the pursuit of business growth. In context of business and human management, there are many areas of business were risk is often present and can be easily controlled. Yet despite this fact, business organizations seem to have the most difficulty controlling risks in the following areas:
Equitable pay
Stock option practices
Fair selection/promotion practices
Wage and hour laws
While there is government oversight in the above areas, this oversight is not the equivalent as operations compliance. What is the difference between the two?
Next, identify at least one organizational practice from each of the areas listed above that can be considered “risky”. Why is it considered risky? What are possible consequences for not controlling the identified risk? What is a recommended control method for this practice? Provide justifications as to why you think this control method would be ideal.
Part 2
250 words with one reference and intext citation in APA format.
Figure 17.1 from our textbook presents a general framework for managing diversity in organizations. See attachment for photo.
The model suggests that an organization’s diversity approach is a function of internal and external pressures for and against diversity. Management’s perspectives and priorities with respect to diversity can range from resistance to active learning and from marginal to strategic. Within management’s priorities, the organization’s strategic responses can range from reactive to proactive.
What are some methods you would use to ensure that would move from a more reactive response to a more proactive approach?


The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to demonstrate good organization, appropriate resources, and correct APA formatting for preparing a scholarly paper.
I Mind/Body/SpiritW ellness 101
Spiritual wellness: A journey toward wholeness
By David Hrabe, PhD, RN, NC-BC; Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN; Susan Neale, MFA
Through spirituality, we connect with the world around us.
Editor’s note: This is the last installment in a 10-article series on wellness. You can read all o f articles in the se­ ries at Thank you to the authors at The Ohio State University College ofNursingfor their support of nurse wellness.
Have you ever felt like a “human doing” instead of a “human being”? As we fling ourselves from one activity to another, we sometimes find that getting beyond our list of “to do’s” and staying in touch with those aspects of our lives that mean the most to us is difficult. Re­ member that well-rounded self-care also involves spiri­ tual wellness.
W hat is spirituality?
Barbara Dossey, a pioneer in the holistic nursing move­
ment, writes that our spirituality involves a sense of connection outside ourselves and includes our values, meaning, and purpose. Your spiritual well-being isn’t what you own, your job, or even your physical health. It’s about what inspires you, what gives you hope, and what you feel strongly about. Your spirit is the seat of your deepest values and character. Whether or not you practice a religion, you can recognize that a part of you exists beyond the analytical thinking of your intel­ lect; it’s the part of you that feels, makes value judg­ ments, and ponders your connection to others, to your moral values, and to the world. For this reason, spiritu­ ality frequently is discussed in terms of a search. Spiri­ tual wellness is a continuing journey of seeking out an­ swers and connections and seeing things in new ways. It also means finding your purpose in life and staying aligned with it.
Although religion and spirituality can be connected, they’re different. A faith community or organized reli­ gion can give you an outlet for your spirituality, but religion isn’t spirituality’s only expression. Hope, love, joy, meaning, purpose, connection, appreciation of
24 AmericanNurseToday Volume 13,Number 10
Continue the journey
Here are some ideas to consider as you continue your nurs­ ing journey. You’ll notice that many are connected to rec­ ommendations we’ve made for other dimensions of well­ ness. This isn’t a mistake. We’re whole human beings, and these practices support multiple dimensions.
Reconnect/reimagine your life’s purpose and passion:
Set aside some time for a “retreat with yourself” to carefully consider your purpose and whether/how you’re living it out. Where do you need to make adjustments? What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to start doing? What would you do in the next 5 to 10 years if you knew that you couldn’t fail? Periodically “taking stock” is critical to staying on track.
Ramp up your positive outlook: In their work with peo­ ple newly diagnosed with HIV, Moskowitz and colleagues developed an intervention to improve patients’emotion­ al outlook even in the midst of a very challenging circum­ stance. The intervention involves cultivating positive emo­ tions through these daily practices:

Recognize a positive event each day.
Savor that event and log it in a journal or tell someone about it.
Start a daily gratitude journal.
List a personal strength and note how you used it.
Set an attainable goal and note your progress.
Report a relatively minor stress and list ways to reap­ praise the event positively.
Recognize and practice small acts of kindness daily.
Practice mindfulness, focusing on the here and now rather than the past or future.
Results were promising and showed that, over time, the positive effects increased. Cultivating an “attitude of grati­ tude” is cited by many spiritual leaders from multiple faith traditions as essential to their daily practice.
Consider some kind of meditative practice: Traditional forms of meditation can include prayer, chanting, or sit­ ting in stillness with a quiet mind. Some people prefer physical action that incorporates meditation, such as yoga, tai chi, gardening, or simply walking. Experiment to find what works for you.
beauty, and caring and compassion for others are asso­ ciated with spiritual well-being.
Spirituality as part of nurses’ DNA
As nurses we’re fortunate that the very basis of our practice is grounded in spiritual ideals. From the be­ ginning of our education, we learn about the impor­ tance of spirituality in relation to a person’s overall health. Even our ethics emphasize the value of a spiri­

tual connection. Provision 1 of the Code ofEthicsfor Nurses with Interpretive Statements states, “The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person.” But many nurses are surprised to find that Provision 5 extends this compassion and respect to nurses them­ selves: “The nurse owes the same duties to the self as to others, including the responsibility to promote health and safety, preserve wholeness of character and in­ tegrity, maintain competence, and continue personal and professional growth.” We have a responsibility to both our patients and to ourselves to honor our spiri­ tual heritage.
Think about your job and what you do every day. When do you feel most energized? Great satisfaction can come from learning a new skill and mastering it, and of course it’s vital that you complete your many tasks efficiently and competently, but there’s more. When asked about the times they felt most energized, many nurses cite moments when they really connected with another person—family, friends, colleagues, pa­ tients. This is the “more”—when we go beyond just our needs and wants to connect beyond ourselves. Hu­ mans are wired to be in relationship with others. Spiri­ tuality is fundamental to nursing practice.
Disconnected much?
Although most nurses would likely agree that spirituali­ ty is an important component in the care they provide and in their personal lives, too often the pressures of modern life interfere with what’s most important to us. Crushing workloads, family responsibilities, financial pressures, and fast-paced living create the perfect storm that makes acting on our values difficult. Many nurses suffer chronic illnesses, including depression, at a rate greater than the general population and other health professionals. In a study, Letvak and colleagues dem­ onstrated that nurses are twice as depressed as the pa­ tients they serve. A study by Melnyk and colleagues of more than 2,000 nurses across the country found more than half of the nurses reported poor mental or physi­ cal health and depression. Additionally, nurses with “…worse health were associated with 26% to 71% high­ er likelihood of having medical errors.”
Living life on purpose
In his groundbreaking work with professional ath­ letes, performance psychologist Jim Loehr, EdD, ar­ gues that being out of touch with our life’s purpose creates an extraordinary energy drain. People may run in marathons, eat the healthiest foods, and be at the top of their game professionally, but these really good things can become an end to themselves when they’re disconnected from life’s purpose. Without that connection, anything can become meaningless.
October 2018 American Nurse Today 25
Loehr writes: “When you find—or, more aptly, choose-—your pur­ pose, then you are the agent of your own happiness. You have the opportunity to harvest joy in both the pursuit and the achieve­ ment, the journey and the desti­ nation.” Our purpose, our reason for living on this planet, is at the foundation of our spiritual nature.
Joy in the journey
All of us experience tragedy, sadness, and grief; they’re part of the human condition. If you’re wondering if finding joy and peace is possible under what appear to be impossible conditions, remember this: History is re­ plete with ordinary humans rising to challenges of the day in extraordinary ways. They were able to unlock that part of themselves that gave them the strength and couragetocarryon.
Nurses are extraordinary—don’t lose sight of the amaz­ ing work you do to improve the lives and comfort of the people you touch. It’s never too late to make a positive change in your life. (See Continue thejour­ ney?) If you take a few small steps in the direction you want to go, you’ll be amazed at the results. ★
The authors work at The Ohio State University in Columbus. David Hrabe isassociate professor of clini­ calnursingandexecutivedirectorofacademicinnova­ tionsand partnershipsforTheOhioState University CollegeofNursing. BernadetteMazurekMelnykisthe vice president for health promotion, university chief wellness officer, dean and professor in the College of Nursing, professor of pediatrics and psychiatry in the College of Medicine, and executive director of the He­ lene FuldHealthTrust National InstituteforEvidence- based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare. Susan Neale
(continuedfrom page 21)
waved over the device. Patients also can show their ID card and request alternative screening.
Keeping pace with technology
The LP represents a profound change in pacemaker technology. More literature is needed to pro­ vide nurses with the education they need to keep up with these innovations. Currently, LPs are lim­ ited to right ventricular pacing; however, other implanted cardiac devices are being investigated that will work in combination with the LP for use in other areas of the heart. ★
Joyce Bulger-Noto isa nursing professional develop­ ment specialist at NewYork-Presbyterian Weill Cor­ nell Hospital in NewYork.
Selected references
Bernstein AD, Daubert JC, Fletcher RD, et al. The revised NASPE/BPEG generic code for antibradycardia, adaptive-rate, and mul­
tisite pacing. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol.2002;25(2):260-4.
Crotti N. Abbott is developing a dual-cham­ ber leadless pacemaker. June 4, 2018. med- veloping-a-dual-chamber-leadless-pacer/
Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al. ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for de­ vice-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnor­ malities: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (writing com­ mittee to revise the ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 guideline update for implantation of cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices): De­ veloped in collaboration with the American Association for Thoracic Surgery and Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Circulation.2008;117(21):e350-408.
Leier M. Advancements in pacemaker tech­ nology: The leadless device. Crit Care Nurse.2017;37(2):58-65.
Medtronic. Micra MCI VR01 Clinician Manu­ al. mdtcom_sg/@emanuals/@era/@crdm/docu- ments/documents/contrib_231758.pdf
Mond HG, Proclemer A. The 11th world sur­ vey of cardiac pacing and implantable car­
dioverter-defibrillators: Calendar year 2009—A World Society of Arrhythmia’s project. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2011;34(8):1013-27.
Reddy VY, Knops RE, SperzelJ, et al. Pennanent leadless cardiac pacing: Results of the LEADLESS trial. Circulation. 2014;129(14):1466-71.
Reynolds D, Duray GZ, Omar R, et al. A leadless intracardiac transcatheter pacing sys­ tem. N EnglJ Med. 20l6;374(6):533-4l.
Roberts PR, Clementy N, Al Samadi F, et al. A leadless pacemaker in the real-world set­ ting: The Micra Transcatheter Pacing System Post-Approval Registry. Heart Rhythm.2017;14(9):1375-9.
Udo EO, Zuithoff NP, van Hemel NM, et al. Inci­ dence and predictors of short- and long-term complications in pacemaker therapy: The FOL- LOWPACE study. Heart Rhythm. 2012;9(5):728-35.
United States Food and Drug Administration.
Circulatory System Devices Panel Meeting: Leadless Pacemakers. Division o f Cardiovas­ cular Devices Office ofDevice Evaluation, Food and Drug Administration, February 18, 2016. Executive Summary Memorandum General Issues: Leadless Pacemaker Devices.2016. tees/CommitteesMeetingMaterials/MedicalDe- vices/MedicalDevicesAdvisoryCommittee/Cir- culatorySystemDevicesPanel/UCM486733.pdf
26 American Nurse Today Volume 13, Number 10
/yistory is replete with ordinary humans
rising to challenges of the day in extraordinary ways.
issenior writer/editor of marketing and communications in the College of Nursing.
Selected references
American Nurses Association. Codefor Nurses with Interpretive Statements.2nd ed. Silver Spring, MD:; 2015.
Dossey BM. Integrative health and wellness assessment. In: Dossey BM, Luck S, Schaub BS, eds. Nurse Coaching: IntegrativeApproachesfor Health and Well­ being. North Miami, FL: International Nurse Coach Association; 2015; 109-21.
Letvak S, Ruhm CJ, McCoy T. Depression in hospital-employed nurses.Clin Nurse Spec. 2012;23(3):177-82.
LoehrJ. ThePowerofStory:RewriteYourDestinyinBusinessandinLife.New York: Free Press; 2007.
Melnyk BM, Orsolini L, Tan A, et al. A national study links nurses’ physi­ cal and mental health to medical errors and perceived worksite wellness.
J Occup Environ Med. 2018;60(2):126-31.
Moskowitz JT, Carrico AW, Duncan LG, et al. Randomized controlled trial of a positive affect intervention for people newly diagnosed with HIV. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2017;85(5):409-23.
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What are the different expatriate compensation methods you recognized in the text?

Bodolica, V., & Waxi, M. (2007). Chicago food and beverage company: The challenges of managing international assignments. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 13(3), 31-42.
Please answer the following questions after reading the case study:
Which staffing framework do you recognize in this case study? Explain its characteristics and the advantages to using this type of framework?
Would this type of staffing framework affect Paul’s ability to get things done? Why, or why not?
Explain if any of the other staffing frameworks would be any better? What can you recommend to the company’s headquarters in this sense?
Why does Paul want this job? Is Paul a good candidate for this expatriate position?
What comments can you make on expatriate management in general? And what comments can you make on the expatriate recruitment policy in particular?
What are the different expatriate compensation methods you recognized in the text? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different expatriate compensation methods?
What do you suggest to the U.S. headquarters’ human resources manager in order to improve the expatriate satisfaction/compensation?
Your submission should be a minimum of three pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required. Be sure to cite and reference all quoted or paraphrased material appropriately in APA style.

How many squares are in this 22 grid (Figure 1) ?

How many squares are in this 22 grid (Figure 1) ? Note that the figure link lets you know that a figure goes along with this part. This figure is available to the left.Enter your answer as a number in the box below and then submit your answer by clicking Submit.

employee compensation – Nursing Essay Tutors

Comment 1: Compensation is a key factor in employee retention. No one wants to continue working for an organization they feel aren’t paying them enough for the work that they do. With that being said this is not a universal ideology of retention and compensation though. in some lines of work the employees are less concerned about salaries and perks so it’s safe to say that not always do employees leave or stay with organizations because of salary and compensation factors. I do believe for the vast majority of the workforce its the exact opposite. Leigh Branham, CEO of Keeping the People, notes that 89 percent of managers believe people leave their jobs due to compensation, but 88 percent of employees actually leave for other reasons. I think the higher up you climb in an organization the more compensation starts to matter to you. Benefits play a major role in retention because most of the workforce is willing to work hard every day and stay with an organization if they feel like their benefits are good for the level of work they do.
Sources and references:
Bean-Mellinger, B. (2016, October 26). How Does Compensation Affect Employee Retention? Retrieved from
Learning, L. (n.d.). Principles of Management. Retrieved from
Comment 2: Part A-
Total Rewards Philosophy is a breakdown of an organization’s vision and how it plans to design and decide salaries, incentives, and benefits. Rewards and compensation go hand in hand when the rewards are monetary but when they are not, the two are different. Rewards can be non-monetary like plaques given for hard work, extra time off, and free oil changes. Compensation is all monetary.
It is important to understand what motivates your employees so you know how to retain them. If you were a manager at a pizza delivery place and knew your employees would be motivated to make more per delivery. you could make it a competition where the employee who competes for the most deliveries and has the highest customer satisfaction gets paid $2 more per delivery for a week. Organizations provide monetary and non-monetary rewards to employees because for some employees it’s not completely about the money so rewards like extra days off and certificates presented in front of coworkers to recognize hard work would be better.
Part B-
Paid time off, ability to work from home, flexible work schedules are my top three benefits discussed in chapter 7. These are my top three because in this life things happen. Sometimes you want or need to have a flexible work schedule to handle real-life situations which is why this one is number one for me. Paid time off is a must-have benefit for any organization trying to keep their employees. During the year you want to go on vacations or simply just not have to work for a week or so. That is why this one is in my top three. Having the ability to work from home is something I have yet to experience but this is still in my top three benefits because if you give someone the ability to work from home as a benefit I guarantee that person is going to work hard each and every day to keep that benefit. As far as the employee, this is a great benefit to have because every so often you get to relax at home and not be in a stressful work environment while still getting the job done.
Sources and references:
Chapter 6 & 7
Learning, L. (n.d.). Principles of Management. Retrieved from
Comment 3: With external recruitment, businesses source candidates outside of the organization. Job seekers who are not currently employed with the business are hired. Businesses can use recruiting skills and large candidate pool to make finding external applicants easier. Recruiters can use external recruitment methods to find candidates for their clients. There are several methods for finding candidates outside of your company. Such as Social media, web boards, recruiting events and referrals. Businesses can use internal recruitment to source candidates within the existing workforce. External recruitment gives you a larger candidate pool than sourcing within a business. By increasing the number of potential hires, businesses get more options to fill open positions. With internal recruitment, a job is offered to someone who already works for the company. One big internal is promotion, when need to fill a higher-level position, managers could promote an existing employee. Since managers already work with the employee, they would best know the worker’s capabilities and work ethic. Others can be internal advertisement, referral, and temp to hire. A big advantage to internal recruiting is that the employee knows the business, managers, and higher ups. The same goes with the managers promoting the employee, they already know what production he can bring to the table and the advantages they will have promoting such employee.
Comment 4: My 3 that to me are relevant are turnover rate, cost benefit ration, and cost per hire. Metrics report current, year to year numbers for areas of HR such as turnover, employee engagement and performance, and many organizations base incentives on management’s performance to HR metrics. HR metrics that are with corporate and business strategy add value and organizational effectiveness.
Human Capital Analytics; Gene Pease, et al.
Managing Human Resources; Scott A. Snell and George W. Bohlander

Assignment 1: LASA 2—Critiquing an Article

Assignment 1: LASA 2—Critiquing an Article
In Module 4 Assignment 2, you were asked to provide your impressions of Peter Singer’s article “America’s Shame.” Now, you will compose a researched response to this article. This assignment allows you to assess and defend the reasonableness of your personal beliefs through critical assessment of Singer’s arguments and the presentation of your own, original arguments about the subject using the tools of evaluation you have learned throughout the course.
Assignment Overview:
For this assignment, assume that you have been asked to present a PowerPoint presentation at your local community center about the topics of world poverty and education. You have decided to use Peter Singer’s article as the starting point of your presentation. As you craft your presentation you will need to:

Present the major claims of Singer.
Present your own original argument offering thoughtful solutions to real-world problems.
Back up your argument with outside research.

Here is the link to the article by Singer: “America’s Shame” from The Chronicle of Higher Education. 55(27), B6–B10. (EBSCO AN 37137370).
Assignment Details:

Develop a 12–15-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Include two additional slides—one for the title and the other for a References page.
Bullet points are acceptable, but use complete sentences throughout the presentation.

Be sure to include the following:

Describe the portions of Singer’s article you seek to engage/critique.
Clearly state your own argument/thesis in response.

Remember, the nature of the stance is not important; you can agree or disagree with any point Singer makes in the article. The important thing is for you to construct a stance that clearly engages Singer’s position. Include properly cited examples from the article.
As you advance your own thesis, be sure to include your position on how to address the problems that Singer discusses in his article. Again, you may agree or disagree with Singer; however, be sure to offer your own solutions to the issue of world poverty, as discussed by Singer.

Support your argument with the use of original research.

Use at least three credible, academic resources to support your positions.
These should be sources other than Singer’s “America’s Shame” article.

Apply APA standards to citation of sources. 

Name your file LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.ppt.and submit it to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox by Week 5, Day 5. You may use this Presentation Design Checklist to help you create an effective and visually appealing presentation.Use this APA Citation Helper as a guide for citing your sources.

How should an organization choose between a decision that is legal and in the best financial interests of the organization, but which could be viewed as unethical

POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Due Week 9: 240 points
In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity. In your role as consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate culture.
INSTRUCTIONS Create a double-spaced 6 to 7 page report that addresses the following:
1) Influence of Politics and Power • Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture.
2) Sources of Power • Explore the sources of power and describe how management could use this influence to benefit your department and improve organizational performance.
3) Leadership Behavior and Culture • Make recommendations that support how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve the organization’s culture.
4) Leadership Influence • Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior. How does it influence organizational structure and performance?
5) References and Citations • Provide at least 2 quality resources. • In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.
6) Formatting and Writing Standards • Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.
Week 9 Discussion
Organizations from time to time must make hard decisions (expand, layoff employees or close a facility). As a manager you will have to use work experiences, advice from supervisors and the organizational culture to support your decision. Organizational culture is the sum of the values and beliefs shared among employees.
Suppose you are a manager who is faced with having to reduce headcount (layoff one of your two employees) in your unit. Sales within the company have declined due to the downward spiral of the economy each department within the organization is faced with making the same decision. Fortunately, you only have to cut one job; others are reducing more.
Mary is in her mid-20s, single, college graduate, she is very hard working and was in the top 10% of the performance ratings this year, she constantly volunteers to travel, work weekends and evenings. However, she supports political causes that could be viewed as contrary to the goals of the company.
Alice is in her mid-40s, has two young children, her husband is a doctor, her performance is good, and she has above average performance reviews. However, she has limited availability on weekends and limitations onovernight travel due to her volunteer work with local charities.
As a manager who would you select to layoff and why?
What other factors can be used to decide who gets laid off in organizations?
How should an organization choose between a decision that is legal and in the best financial interests of the organization, but which could be viewed as unethical?


Discuss/debate your position pertaining to biological and psychological perspectives of explaining crime. Also, examine Differential social organization, collective action, and crime and articulate why you either strongly agree or disagree with it.

How Good Is Your Anger Management

1-2 Paragraphs
Consider the results that you received on all of the self-assessments you have taken so far this term and the culture of your organization.
1) Where are the areas of conflict?
2) How do you work through these conflicts, and what aspects of the culture keep you at the organization?
See self-assessment results below for you reference:
What Is Your Jungian Typology? Campaigner personality
How Productive Are You? You’re on the right track with your productivity efforts, and you probably get your most important work done. However, you could be more productive. Use the productivity techniques to become more productive and efficient in your daily life.
Locus of Control- According to your score, you have a moderate internal locus of control.
Are You Experiencing Burnout? Be careful—you may be at risk of burnout, particularly if several scores are high.
Stress Scale- You have a high or very high risk of becoming ill in the near future.
How Good Are Your Communication Skills? Excellent! You understand your role as a communicator both when you send messages and when you receive them. You anticipate problems, and you choose the right ways of communicating. People respect you for your ability to communicate clearly, and they appreciate your listening skills.
How Good Are Your Problem-Solving Skills? Your approach to problem solving is a little “hit-and-miss.” Sometimes your solutions work really well, and other times they don’t. You understand what you should do, and you recognize that having a structured problem-solving process is important. However, you don’t always follow that process. By working on your consistency and committing to the process, you’ll see significant improvements.
How Good Is Your Team? You’re a solid team member working well as part of an effective team. Lower scores in this range show that there is room for improvement, though.
How Good Are Your Leadership Skills? Excellent! You’re well on your way to becoming a good leader. However, you can never be too good at leadership or too experienced—so always be on the lookout for what you can do to improve your performance.
How Good Are Your Management Skills? You’re doing a great job managing your team. Now you should concentrate on improving your skills even further. Also, think about how you can take advantage of these skills to reach your career goals.
How Good Are Your People Skills? Your people skills are good. You understand the give-and-take involved in complex issues involving people. You might not always approach situations perfectly; however, you have a sufficiently good understanding to know when and where you need to take steps to rectify things. Keep working on your people skills, and set an example for the rest of your team.
How Good Is Your Anger Management? Well done! You have a very good understanding of what makes you angry, and you know what to do when you start to feel signs of trouble. You’ve developed a wide range of anger management strategies, and you can be proud of these.
How Good Is Your Decision Making? You have an excellent approach to decision making! You know how to set up the process and generate lots of potential solutions. From there, you analyze the options carefully, and you make the best decisions possible based on what you know. As you gain more and more experience, use that information to evaluate your decisions, and continue to build on your decision-making success.
How Creative Are You? Creativity is one of your strengths, and innovative and creative minds are highly sought after. So don’t hide your ability! Look for ways to share your creativity process with others. Engage colleagues and teammates in creative pursuits, and promote creativity in your team and organization. And remember that you can always be more creative!
Do You Have Project Management Skills? Your project management skills are OK, and when projects are relatively simple, your outcomes are often good. However, the more complex the projects you manage, the less control you will have and the more likely you are to deliver below expectations. Take time to improve your planning skills and prepare for the unexpected. The more time you spend on your up-front planning, the better your project outcomes will be.